Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>         LILO is the modern way to dual boot between operating systems.
> Loadlin was a way to do it if you used DOS most of the time.
> On 30 Jul 1998, Jodoin, Dominic wrote:
> > Can anyone explain to me the difference between LILO and loadlin. 

Lilo goes in your mbr and gives you a menu of sorts to boot whatever OS
you want, it seems to live well with other OS's. Loadlin is a little
program which you use from dos/win95 to reboot into linux.

>I'm looking forward to install Winbloze95 and Linux (maybe Slackware) >on >my machine 
>and would like to dual boot. Any help would be >appreciated...

Karl, your sooo helpful! Actually, lilo is the way to go--UNLESS you
need dos to initiate a sound card or something, then you will need to
use loadlin (I even saw a package that included an icon to put on your
win95 desktop--don't remember where though). Check the HOWTOs. I use a
combination of lilo and the NT bootloader (check the HOWTOS).
Don't be afraid of lilo (it won't kill win95) , once you get used to it
and how to configure it you will like it. And if you get sick of linux
(heaven forbid) you can boot with a dos boot disk and type "fdisk /mbr"
and your back to normal.

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