According to Mike Tavares: While burning my CPU.
> I took the plunge and installed Redhat version 5.1
> have had no major problems just haven't figured out exactly how to
> uncompress a file.
> I download an IRC program for Xwindows called xirc.tar.gz
> when I try to uncompress this with the tar command I get a screen full of
> junk. Can someone tell me the correct way to do this?
tar xzf xirc.tar.gz will unpack it, but beforehand it would be adviseable to
check where it needs to be unpacked. There are many ways of doing that,
1) Read the file first with 'zless xirc.tar.gz' checkout the INSTALL file
and or the README, that will normaly tell one what to do.
2) Unpack the file in a tmp directory first, so you see just what it does.
> Thanks
> -Mike
Regards Richard.