On 10-Dec-98 Wayne Pascoe wrote:
> On Wed, 09 Dec 1998, Pollywog wrote:
>>On 08-Dec-98 Laff A Day wrote:
>>> Hello and thank you for subscribing to Laff A Day.
>>> This message is being sent to you because someone
>>> possibly you) subscribed your e-mail address to our
>>> daily humor list, Laff A Day.
>>I got this spam yesterday also, so I wonder if the spammer is getting
>>names from the list.
> --
> The spammer doesn't have our names... Some one has subscribed the actual
> list
> address to his mailing list... This should be fun to watch :-(

I said that he had our names (I meant e-mail addresses) because I got
these spams in my personal mailbox and they did not come from the list
server (some did, some did not).


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