Hey! Did you hear what Blue Ink Press was saying on Apr 12 ?

BIP> Are there any free ISP's that support Linux?  

        It depends on what you mean by "support Linux"  If you mean do
they give you technical assistance specifically about connecting to them
with Linux...My experience has been that they are very few and far between
(at least in my part of the world).

        If you mean [support Linux=can use Linux to connect], well every
single ISP on the planet (that is willing to give you an account) falls
into this category.  But I don't know about "free" ISP's... alas, I'm
still handing over $$$ for my 'net account. :(

BIP> Is it possible to install more Linux software after the initial
BIP> installation without starting all over again?  

        Yes, you can install more software at any time.  Most software
will come with installation instructions... it's just a matter of reading
the documentation that comes with the software you want to install and
following those instructions.

        Also, most Linux distributions come with "software package
installation/management tools".  Redhat uses RPM or Glint (I can't tell
you much about these because I don't use Redhat).  Slackware uses pkgtool. 
It uses the tgz extension. You can install, remove or even create your own

BIP> Can you recommend any Linux sites that have interesting Linux
BIP> software besides the packages for the distribution? 


BIP> Xwindows doesn't look as sophisticated or interesting as Windows 95', 
BIP> how can I change that?

        Never judge a book by it's cover or, in this case, a GUI by it's
user interface.  If you don't like the way your current window manager
looks and feels you have two choices...1 - change the way it looks and
feels (check the documentation for the window manager your using) or 2 -
use a different window manager. There's plenty to choose from.  fvwm95
gives a win95 feel to X, also KDE.

BIP> What's a good wordprocessor for Linux?

        WordPerfect, StarOffice, Applixware

Regards, Steve Youngs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   ICQ: 34307457
°                                __                      °
°Isn't it good to know that     / /   __ ___  __ ____  __°
°There _IS_ an alternative!    / /__ / // _ \/ // /\ \/ /°
°                             /____//_//_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\°
Windows NT: No Thanks. Not Trusted, Not Today, Not Tomorrow.

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