Hey! Did you hear what Shane McKeown was saying on Apr 13 ?

SM> I have the zipped kernel source file in /usr/src in 
SM> the form linux-2.2.2-.tar.gz
SM> Can any of you explain the proper way to unzip them?

        From /usr/src type tar -zxvf linux-2.2.2.tar.gz

        Now, I'm going to make a couple of assumptions here, you are new
to Linux and you are not running a 2.2.x kernel yet.  If this is the case,
please read carefully /usr/src/linux-2.2.2/Documentation/changes  It will
tell you what you need to upgrade so you can use the 2.2.x kernel.

        Oh, and when you do finally get to the point where you can compile
and run the new 2.2.x kernel, don't forget to change where the
/usr/src/linux symlink points to.

Regards, Steve Youngs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   ICQ: 34307457
°                                __                      °
°Isn't it good to know that     / /   __ ___  __ ____  __°
°There _IS_ an alternative!    / /__ / // _ \/ // /\ \/ /°
°                             /____//_//_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\°
And God said: E = «mvý - Zeý/r, and there was light!

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