Hey! Did you see what Richard Adams wrote on Jul 30 ?

RA> > 
RA> > thanx to all for the direction in getting sendmail/procmail
RA> > setup. i was just wondering if anyone knows if there is a
RA> > way to get linux to phone a number, then play a sound file,
RA> > like "tell michael to get offline, i'm about to check mail."
RA> I dont see why it cant be done in a script, or rather 2 scripts, one on the
RA> remote machine and one on the target machine.

>From what I got out of Michael's post was that there would only be one
computer involved.  What he wants to do is have his computer phone a human
and tell them to get Michael off the net so his mail can be downloaded.

Hey, he could even get it to ring him and remind him to buy some milk on
the way home from work.

Or how about this scenario...

He has a grown-up daughter living away from home who needs to get into
urgent contact with her father, but can't afford the long distance call
charges.  She could send him an email that contained certain text in the
subject that would make procmail immediately log the computer off the net
and call him on his cell phone, saying "Daddy, ring me urgently on the
usual number".

The applications for this are endless.  I think it's absolutely
brilliant!!!  Geez, I may even have a crack at getting it going.

Good one, Michael.  This is one of the best idea's I've seen in a long
time for "making our computers do more for us in our everyday lives" :-)

Regards, Steve Youngs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ICQ: 34307457
|                                 __                       |
| Isn't it good to know that     / /   __ ___  __ ____  __ |
| There _IS_ an alternative!    / /__ / // _ \/ // /\ \/ / |
|                              /____//_//_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\ |

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