Hi !
Thank you for the information. What do the classes mean and what is old
style - and i guess there is then a new style too.
I set up my local net at home with the adresses and
and as far as i got to my first steps in Linux-networking i can ping my W95
and i can ping my Linux from each other puter. Telneting from W95 to Linux
works great, too.
So why do you say that it has to be 198.162.x.x ? What is wrong with
198.0.x.x ?
>Not quite. 127.x.x.x is loopback, not a private net. The private addresses
>10.x.x.x (Class A, old style)
>172.x.x.x (Class B, old style)
>192.168.x.x (Class C, old style)
>You can use 192.168.x.x (but NOT 192.x.x.x) just fine with Linux - we use it
>here with a Linux host doing IP Masq.
>At 05:43 PM 8/14/99 +0200, David Krings wrote:
>>Hi !
>> Reading several howtos/literature for networking i saw that there seem to
>>be different IP adreesses for private use.
>> There are the 127.x.x.x, the 172.x.x.x and 198.x.x.x coming up. Are this
>>three all allowed for private use ? Are there more than these available ?
>> My W9x network is setup to 198.0.0.x adresses and I would like to keep
>>that also for Linux (client or server). Does this make any difference ? May
>>this lead to problems later when i use IP-masquerading ?
>> Thanx for any hint/tip.
>> Greez
>> Dave
>------------------------------------"Never tell me the odds!"---
>Ray Olszewski -- Han Solo
>Palo Alto, CA 94303-3603 [EMAIL PROTECTED]