> and Memory Intensive jobs ] ... and use a Pentium 133 atleast for running
> your word processing apps.I like xemacs a lot , but realised running X
> with a 486 wouldnt quite be the sweetest of experiences... ;)
X runs fine inside 8M, if you do not make the following errors:
1.) use 2.2 kernels (use 2.0 instead)
2.) use a late XFree (use older versions instead. If you have old
hardware, you don't need new drivers and a version of XFree from about
three years ago will do the job just fine.)
3.) use a recent distro (use an older distribution instead. Debian 1.x
comes to mind....)
Marc Mutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://marc.mutz.com/
University of Bielefeld, Dep. of Mathematics / Dep. of Physics
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