

> I can't promise it'll work, but try
> /sbin/modprobe es1371
> As of slackware 7 (2.2.13), modprobe will accept either module or
> module.o, but I think I remember earlier versions of modprobe would
> fail to find a module if you asked for module.o.  insmod still won't
> find .o's.

*THANK* *YOU*!!! :-)  It works fine.

Also thanx to Richard Adams.  He helped me a lot ;-)

But now I have new questions:

        # cat /dev/sndstat
        cat: /dev/sndstat: No existe tal dispositivo

In English: That device does not exist.

But, kmp3 is playing (???).  Perhaps I did something
wrong when I tried to install the ALSA driver.  Is
it important?

2) I've read that ALSA drivers are better than
kernel drivers, even I couldn't install the one for
my SB PCI64.  Must I install ALSA drivers or it
doesn't worth?

3) I've compiled sound support as module.  But it
doesn't autoload when I try to play a MP3.  I must
        # /sbin/modprobe es1371
if I want to heard MP3s.  How can I setup this?

Thank you in advance. 

Daniel González Gasull        __           "It is easier to fight
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    o-'. ".    ,.   for principles than to
PGP RSA key 1024/EEA93A69  `.  |  )   )_)  live up to them."
                           __) `-' `-' /    -- Alfred Adler
                          ".--         )   
                           `~--'.__,  (\   
                             hjw    )__))  
      Virus Alert: Windows found ...  R)emove I)gnore P)anic (r/i/P) :

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