* C & D Wyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm no Linux guru but I know business and the article is pretty much correct
> ,especially the part about the shareholders. We all know Linux is FREE and
> it's all based on a sort of "non profit" ideal and wherever you see FREE and

You may not be a guru, and you may know business, but you don't
understand what the word "free" means.  At least not in the context of
the GNU Public License.  From the words of RMS: "Think free speech,
not free beer."

Also, there is nothing in the GPL that says I can't make a profit by
selling Linux software covered by that license.

> Also when it comes to a company the size of
> Microsoft in order to push them out of the market you have to have a bigger
> company doing the pushing 

Quick David, drop your sling-shot and run!  That Goliath is just too
damn big!

> There is one other way, somebody could get a copy of the Windows98 source
> code that would be enough to swing things in our favour. 

What are you going to do, hold it for ransom?  I mean you couldn't
possibly be suggesting that Linux could beat Microsoft if it's
software was based on Windows 98.

Want to really learn Linux?
...Install Slackware

---Regards, Steve Youngs--------Email:-<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>---
|     If Microsoft is the answer, then all I can say is that     |
|               you are asking the wrong question.               |
------------------------------<Don't be a Newbie--Be a Gnu-bie>---

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