On Wed, 09 Feb 2000, John Starkey wrote:
> Richard I'm sorry. I took your "learned friend comment" harshly. Maybe I am a little
> too defensive. With all the help I'm getting and the fact that I always land face 
> when I try something new in Linux, makes it easy to feel like a burdon sometimes (as
> we've discussed before), so maybe that contributes to the over-sensitivity.

Dont worry about it, i dont. ;-)

> The mouse problem is fixed. The connector was in upside down and com1 is actually
> ttyS1 (don't ask me how, but it's working). If I had known a little more about Linux
> and actually had a working mouse with this system at some point I may have looked
> sooner. Thanks for the help. Like I said before, it had to be something totally
> rediculous.

I presume you did not know that flat ribbon cable has one wire tinted
red, that is pin 1, it is all to easy to connect that sort of cable
the wrong way.

> BTW, this mouse is connected to the serial port via the adaptor we spoke of and I 
> checked both the ps/2 and MS protocols. Both work fine.

The best of both worlds...

> I'm now trying to install StarOffice. When I click on setup nothing happens. The last
> thing I di was to decline when it asked if I wanted it to set up /root/soffice51. I
> forget why i had to do that. But I didn't proceed with the install. I also cp'd the
> install files to my dir and tried running the install script from there. But still
> nothing. So I am assuming it isn't in the /dev/cdrom file.

Ah!,  again the click that does not work.
May i suggest going to a normal console, hit ctrl-alt F1 or F2 etc.
The way you descrive /dev/cdrom i presume the source is on cd, you
are running redhat so the chances are the source archive is in rpm
format, altho' i am presuming that. If that is the case then use RPM
to install the archive.
cd /mnt/cdrom/path/to/file
rpm -i filename-archive

If the file is in tar.gz form do;
cd /usr/local/src
mkdir star
tar xzf /mnt/cdrom/path/to/archive.tar.gz
cd star
ls -al to see the contents.
Normally there will be several files to read,
and possablly a file called ./configure
Follow the steps given in the INSTALL file or README to install.

It could of course be a zip file, if so use the unzip program to
unpack it.

Now not having star office all the above are just pointers and it
could well be that none of the options is valid.

I am sure someone else who has star office will help you more.

> Anyone know what's happening???
> TIA.
> John

Regards Richard

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