On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 10:17:21AM +0000, Stroller wrote:
> On 27 Jan 2010, at 04:02, Matt Domsch wrote:
> > ... Lifecycle Controller is really
> > quite slick, and there's no concern with having the "right" Linux
> > environment to run.
> Since this is a concern, where does Dell stand upon source releases?

Dell uses and contributes to open source software in a lot of ways -
including using the SBLIM and openwsman stack on Linux for future
systems management projects.  The iDRAC itself is running Linux (yes,
source code is available, minus any non-open-source components of
course).  But there are also components which are not open source
licensed, for a variety of reasons (strategic choice, license by the
authors if not Dell, ...).  Over time we have made more and more of
our systems management software either open source or at least more
Linux-friendly, and I expect that trend to continue.

Matt Domsch
Technology Strategist, Dell Office of the CTO
linux.dell.com & www.dell.com/linux

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