"m. allan noah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  actually did not save any hard numbers, but on a 3 disk setup i had here,
>  raid1 was faster under bonnie with the test size 3x my ram. 

What mke2fs parameters did you use? And which chunk size (for RAID-5)?

>  less than
>  that, and i found the results pretty variable.
>  but, our boy was talking about a single hotel firewall, and yet this
>  discussion now revolves around beowulf clusters :)

Yes, sure, the performance is probably not an issue there. But since the
perfomance topic was touched, I wanted to know whether somebody has actually
seen the theoretical N-fold read enhancement of an N-disk RAID-1 array. I
couldn't, though I did some more or less extensive tests with different

If anybody interested, I put a comparison of software RAID 0, 1, and 5 at
http://plasma-gate.weizmann.ac.il/~fnevgeny/tmp/raid.gif. The chunk size was
32k (for 0 and 5), fs block size 4k and for RAID-5, in addition, partitions
were formatted with "-R stride=8 -g 7936" (0 and 1 seemed insensitive to
anything but block size).

Except for the bad performance of RAID-1, a very surprising fact is that
RAID-5 actually make significant improvements (as opposite to what said in
the HOWTO). I'd find an explaination for an N/(N-1) read performance
improvement, but how it happened for _writes_?!



PS. The box benchmarked is a dual PII-450 with 512MB RAM, the disks are 4.3G
7200RPM wide barracudas attached to a channel of the on-board adaptec 7895,
partition size - 1GB

  / Evgeny Stambulchik  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  \
 /  Plasma Laboratory, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel \  \
 |  Phone : (972)8-934-3610  == | == FAX   : (972)8-934-3491 |  |
 |  URL   :    http://plasma-gate.weizmann.ac.il/~fnevgeny/  |  |
 |  Finger for PGP key >=====================================+  | 

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