> Your analysis is correct--RAID protects against disk failure, not
> against other failures (such as NT eating itself, or for that matter,
> people accidentally deleting files); it is not a replacement for tape
> backup, it complements tape backup.

I would also stress RAID does not protect against power failures, so any
RAID system should have a good UPS or else you run the risk of the RAID
being trashed.  Even with UPS, other kinds of power problems may not be
"trapped" by the UPS:  Here in Maryland on Pepco power, we frequently
see very brief phase loss or phase rotation (seems like any time the
wind blows or when there's a light drizzle outside) and some of the
systems which are on an UPS still crash.  One of those power events
crashed a server, which was on a decent UPS, and the RAID-5 on it was
trashed and did not recover well.  Consequently, I decided that for my
needs I get better results with 2 non-RAID servers that are mirrored and
nightly tape backups.

"Jonathan F. Dill" ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
CARB Systems and Network Administrator
Home Page:  http://www.umbi.umd.edu/~dill

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