So does no-one apart from me use Amanda?

I've been using it for many years or different systems and it's never let
me down. Emails me every day with a report and to remind me to change
tapes if needed.

I have 2 main servers here, one running Solaris, the other Linux, both
with DLT tapes (The Solaris has a DLT4000 - 40GB compressed, the Linux one
a DLT7000 - 70GB compressed). Both systems run their own Amanda, although
in theory I could dump both systems to each other remotely if I chose to
(but we've got too much data online for that, alas!) I also have a backup
system with a 24GB DAT drive for a backup if we ever lose a tape drive for
more than a day.

DLT Tapes (and drives) are expensive, but what price can you put in the
data you have online? The online data is kept on a RAID 5 array in both

The Linux box manages 7MB/sec to the DLT tape, the Solaris only about 2
(Both UW SCSI)

Amanda can be a pig to install if you've never used it before - I get it
from source ( rather than use the supplied package -
I think it sometimes helps you to understand a lot of these larger
packages if you make the effort to get it & install it yourself.
(Especially if you have to maintain different architectures)

A remote Linux site I look after uses a DAT drive and mounts a handfull of
NT workstations' drives and backs the up with Amanda too.


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