[ Thursday, October 14, 1999 ] Marc Merlin wrote:
> With a  safety (no  idea how  you write  this) backplane,  a disk  shelf can
> communicate with  the SCSI card  and physically turn  off a failed  disk for
> instance.

Since I see it scroll by on my boot-up :)

SCSI Access{ed,ible} Fault-Tolerant Enclosure

and Marc (who I'm jealous of since the NC DMV doesn't allow the
heart-shaped character in personalized license plates) is right, they
are very nice to have.

For example, on a failing/dying drive, the EXP15 enclosure we have
spins down the drive and turns the led on that bay from green to red.
Very helpful :)

Miscellaneous Engineer --- IBM Netfinity Performance Development

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