
Setting up yet a new server, but this time we'll have extreme amounts of tiny 
files (say 15000 33-byte files and 15000 120K files) in the same directory. With 
big files it was easy, but seeing the "67% full, out of disk space" thread earlier, 
I am not sure how I should make the filesystem. We'll probably have something 
like 2 million of these small files on the server at all times.

I did a df -i, and found out that I have 12M inodes available. Does that mean 
enough inodes for 12 million files? 

Also, any advice on what filesystem parameters to use to make this rock&roll 
would help me a lot.

The hardware is a dual PIII500, 256Mb RAM, 3x50Gb Barracudas on a Mylex 
AccelRaid250. OS: Mandrake 6.1 kernel 2.2.13.

Have a nice day!

Kent R. Nilsen

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