At 06:03 PM 19/04/00 -0700, Lee Wilson wrote:

>OK, I took all your advice and returned the Adaptec AAA131U2 controller 
>back and got a Mylex Acceleraid 150 (w/16 MB).   I've run the BIOS raid 
>configuration and it sees all my drives and has created a logical drive.
>However, when I boot into linux, I'm not sure where to find this drive.  Most
>documentation seems to tell me to look in /dev/rd/c0d0, but fdisk says 
>"unable to open /dev/rd/c0d0" when I try it.  My system config is this:
>2 x PIII-550 processors
>1 x IDE HDD for booting and OS (hda)
>4 x 9.1 GB SCSI drives (they're IBM so I turned off
>                         the TI Sync neg by putting
>                         the jumper on them)
>running Redhat 6.2 (kernel 2.2.14-5.0smp on i686)
>I was about to install the DAC960 drivers, but noticed that all the 
>appropriate files were already in /usr/src/linux/drivers/block, so I am 
>assuming that Redhat 6.2 comes with DAC960 support already compiled in the 
>kernel.  If not, maybe that's the problem and I just need to compile the 
>kernel again.
>At any rate, assuming support in RH6.2, I am a little confused about where to
>find the raid device.  Looking in /proc/partitions, I see a /dev/hdc with 1
>head, 2147483647 sectors, and 1 cylinder.  Seems suspiciously like a RAID
>device, but I don't know for sure. Looking at with fdisk, there are no
>partitions on it (which would make sense as I have not put any there yet 
>if this IS the raid drive).

I have a similar setup at work, and my system uses /dev/rd/c0d0 ONCE it is 
installed (ie: the system has been installed).

I'd hazard a guess that /dev/hdc is actually your CDROM.

I used the standard graphical installer and it allowed me to make 
partitions on the drive, however once I got past c0d0p7 it stopped allowing 
me to add partitions. (Disk Druid is just annoying sometimes).

So I switched to a text console, and tried 'fdisk /dev/rd/c0d0' but it 
didn't work. I knew the device had to be there somewhere, so I went 
looking. I eventually found the device in /tmp/rd/ as c0d0. This appears to 
be a RedHat-ism.

Using 'fdisk /tmp/rd/c0d0' worked fine for me. I then allocated multiple 
partitions on the logical drive (using c0d0p1, c0d0p2 and c0d0p3 while 
allocating remaining space to an extended partition and creating more 
partitions in that) and things are working fine.

The system I am using this in:

AMD Athlon 500 with 256 Meg RAM
Mylex AcceleRAID 250 with 16 Meg RAM
4 x 18.2 Gig 10,000 rpm disks
IDE CDROM as /dev/hdc (used for the install)

If you have any problems, feel free to email me at work on [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(my work email address).

BTW: RH 6.2 detects the card at boot and insmod/modprobe's the DAC960 
module to access the drive. Once it actually installs, it uses an initrd 
(ramdisk) to load any relevant modules at boot. First thing I did was 
download the newer kernel from RH, then compiled a new kernel, made the 
DAC960 driver in-line, added the new kernel to lilo and removed the initrd 
loader RH ships. It seems that linuxconf does not recognize the /dev/rd/* 
entries at all, so you can't use it to install a newly compiled kernel. 
You'll have to do it by editing /sbin/lilo (which is personally what I 
prefer anyway, but I tried it to see if  RH did it any differently with 

  -=[ Stuart Young (Aka Cefiar) ]=-------------------------------

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