on 5/17/00 7:21 AM, James Manning at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> ls -l /dev/hd[gk]* ... you make need a later MAKEDEV (or edit yours)
> to create all the necessary files

Not sure what this will help, except confirm again that these volumes aren't
accessible, which was my question to start with.

----Here's /dev/hdg through hdk----------
ls -l /dev/hdg
brw-rw----    1 root     disk      34,   0 May  5  1998 /dev/hdg
[root@gate src]# ls -l /dev/hdh
brw-rw----    1 root     disk      34,  64 May  5  1998 /dev/hdh

ls -l /dev/hdf1
brw-rw----    1 root     disk      33,  65 May  5  1998 /dev/hdf1
[root@gate src]# ls -l /dev/hdg1
brw-rw----    1 root     disk      34,   1 May  5  1998 /dev/hdg1
[root@gate src]# ls -l /dev/hdh1
brw-rw----    1 root     disk      34,  65 May  5  1998 /dev/hdh1
[root@gate src]# ls -l /dev/hdj1
ls: /dev/hdj1: No such file or directory
[root@gate src]# ls -l /dev/hdj
ls: /dev/hdj: No such file or directory
[root@gate src]# ls -l /dev/hdk
ls: /dev/hdk: No such file or directory
[root@gate src]# ls -l /dev/hdk1
ls: /dev/hdk1: No such file or directory
[root@gate src]# ls -l /dev/md0
brw-------    1 root     root       9,   0 Feb  7 14:14 /dev/md0

Does this help?

> mounted filesystem... clear processes using it and umount it
> (show df output too)


df listing:
[root@gate src]# df
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda6              9424268   1764708   7180828  20% /
/dev/hda1                54416      3319     48288   6% /boot
/dev/md0              19495548   9399816   9105384  51% /home/Backup/

The only process using the filesystem is netatalk for /home/Backup. I *HAVE*
cleared and deactivated that, and it still held on to hdj and hdk (I can
access hdf1, which has a valid partition on it, as dmesg dumb clearly shows.
hdj and hdk have no partition them)

> md is using hdh1 and hdg1 ... it's not using hdj or hdk

Duh! I *CAN* interpret that myself. hdg and hdh are NOT the problem.
According to general consensus, since hdj and hdk are not used (a fact you
see to agree to) they SHOULD be accessible via fdisk, yet they are NOT.
*THAT* is the problem I'm trying to solve.

> If you wish them (hdh1, hdg1) to not get run automatically, fdisk them
> and set the type back to 83 from fd (the autorun consideration proves
> all these partitions are still "fd")


a) hdg1 and hdh1 are not at issue here. I can umount /dev/md0, raidstop
/dev/md0, and then I can use fdisk to my heart's content on /dev/hdg and
/dev/hdh. Contrary to what you may believe, I'm not a total moron.

b) I can also fdisk /dev/hdf

c) /dev/hdj and /dev/hdk are at issue here, and after all the above, I get
the same 'unable to open' error when trying to fdisk /dev/hdj and /dev/hdk.

> These are all the same things hashed over before, so no, I don't really
> expect this email to have any real consequence. *sigh*

Yes, I know, which is why I have gone to the extra trouble to do a
completely new compile, and install - alas, I had the exact same results -
that's why I'm turning to this list for possible help, since I have run into
a proverbial wall with this problem.

So, how is your attitude going to help here? Obviously, as I have pointed
out earlier, I'm not a total moron, as you seem to allude here, and I have
tried many of these suggestions either before coming to the list for help,
or as a result of suggestions here. Obviously, there is some sort of what
appears to be a real problem here, and I don't see how smart-ass,
deprecating remarks will help with troubleshooting. If you are aware of some
technological inference to such remarks, I'm all ears; otherwise, if you
have some sort of problem, I'd prefer you state it clearly.


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