Date:        Wed, 17 May 2000 12:13:01 +0200
   From: Craig Schlenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Entirely correct AFAIK.  I don't have seriously hard deadlines to
   meet timing-wise in my software so I don't need RTLinux. My objection
   to polling is that it's not an elegant way to solve the problem of
   detecting a change in the control lines.

Is the linux-serial archived anywhere?  It seems just last week I
answered the question about using TIOCMIWAIT to allow you a process to
sleep until a specified set of control lines change.  Unfortunately, I
can't find my posting on the subject, and I don't have time now to
rewrite it just now.

This is something that probably should get added to the Serial
FAQ/HOWTO, since it seems to come up more and often.

                                                        - Ted

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