Linux-Setup Digest #48, Volume #19                Sat, 1 Jul 00 14:13:08 EDT

  Re: yet_another_lilo_problem (CoryJ)
  FTP install of RH 6.2?? ("PositiveG")
  Motherboard Software .... how does it affect Linux ? ("leanne")
  Re: Conexant V.90 56K PCI modem setup ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  1024 cylinder limit info please? (Ken Knecht)
  Newbie: kppp without passwd? (Romano Frenquelli)
  Re: Partitioning of large IDE-Disk (CoryJ)
  Re: Activate lilo graphics (Draco Ravenloft)
  Re: This may be a stupid question, but are there Linux viruses (virii?)? (CoryJ)
  Re: Fetchmail Question (Tom Hoffmann)
  Re: i810 video card driver support in xfree86 4.0 (H Dziardziel)
  Re: Behind IPMasq Sendmail config? (CoryJ)
  Re: 1024 cylinder limit info please? ("leanne")
  Re: yet_another_lilo_problem ("locke")
  Re: 1024 cylinder limit info please? (Ken Knecht)


Subject: Re: yet_another_lilo_problem
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 17:03:55 GMT

Have you by any chance rebuilt your kernel since the original install of
LILO, or moved anything around (partitions, partition sizes, etc?)  LILO
is quite picky about what it expects to find when booking Linux.  My
advice (remember what you are paying for it :) would be to:

Boot linux by starting off CD (It sounded like you could start your
system ok this way.)
check /etc/lilo.conf and make sure that the following is right:

Then in the section that loads linux check that:
  image=(your current kernel as it appears with linux booted.. ie you
want something like /boot/vmlinuz and not /dev/hda5)
  root=(your root partition _device_, ie: /dev/hda6)
  read-only  (should not be read-write when booting on HD)

If it is all ok, or after you fix it, run /sbin/lilo

Now reboot your system and see if you can start using LILO.

BTW, in case you're curious why /boot is under /dev/hda5... I'm guessing
that you used Disk Druid or Partition Magic to partition your drive.  A
drive can have up to 4 primary partitions and several
"Logical" partitions. The logical partitions start with /dev/hda5.

Since you likely have 4 total (win98, /boot, swap, and root) you could
have gotten away with having partitions hda1-hda4.  The way many
partitioning utilies work is that they will create one primary partition
(/dev/hda1). If you want another partition they don't just add
another primary for it.

Instead, when you create a 2nd partition, they create another primary
partition (/dev/hda2) which is an extended partition.  This just means
it assigns a chunck of your hard drive where you can put _logical_
partitions.  The extended partition they create takes up the entire
remaining portion of your drive.  All partions you ask (from the 2nd on
up) are created as logical partitions inside this area.

Hmmmm.. reading that doesn't make a ton of sense.. and I'm the one who
wrote it.  Lets look at the way DOS's FDISK partitions if you have
one hard drive...

Drive C: is always a primary partition (the first or only one on the
drive) additional drive letters like D:-F: (why would you do this?) are
created as logical partitions inside a single extended partition.
Here's a 'graphic' for what I'm talking about:

(Single "DOS" drive with partitions C:, D:, E:, F:)
|----primary partition---|-------extended partition-------|
|--------Drv C:----------|---Drv D:---|--Drv E:--|-Drv F:-|

And in linux's (likely) view of your system right now:

|----primary partition---|-------extended partition-------|

Well, hope I haven't made it as clear as mud for you.

P.S. I used to dislike this since you could fit four partitions all in
the four primary partitions allowed on a system.  (Only use hda1-hda4 as
regular primary partitions, and use no extended partitions.)  BUT, see
what happens if you decide you want another partition for some reason!
Suddenly you need an extended partition and some logical partitions
because you can only have a max of 4 primary.  It's a PITA (at least
with the tools available last time I did this) to move things around.

In article <ujd75.7762$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "locke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wonder if anyone can help me, this problem is beginning to drive me
> nuts...
> I'm trying to install linux (suse 6.4) on my computer, where win98 +
> already reside.  I have two HD's, pri master has win98 and my linux
> partitions, pri slave has win2k.  I have  /boot; root and swap
> the /boot is well under the 1024th cyl and has the kernal etc.  Lilo
is in
> the mbr, with linux options and a windows option, which loads win2k's
> manager.  But, the only way I can boot linux is by booting from the
cd- lilo
> loads NT fine, but for linux I just get "loading
> linux.........................." and then that's it, no disk activity
> anything.  I have checked, and vmlinuz and vmliuz.suse are indeed both
> /boot (hda5 on my system for some unknown reason).
> Does anybody have any ideas?  I simply don't understand why this is
> happening, everything else seems to be fine.
> Locke

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From: "PositiveG" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FTP install of RH 6.2??
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2000 14:12:23 -0400

x-no-archive: yes

What files do you need stored on an FTP server so that you can install
RedHat 6.2 via it?

I'd like to know the directories & files required.

I've got a machine with RH 6.0 (no CD) and want to upgrade.   I have a 2nd
machine that I can use as a FTP server (Win98).

Thanks in advance.


From: "leanne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Motherboard Software .... how does it affect Linux ?
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 17:16:21 GMT

My Aopen AX63 M/B has software for hardware components on the M/B, written
for Windows of course ..... So how is this going to affect things ??? When u
r using linux??

Does anyone know ??




Subject: Re: Conexant V.90 56K PCI modem setup
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 17:12:11 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Hi,
> I've just installed Redhat V6.2 and my PCI modem won't get recognized.
> Any advice on how to setup this modem?

If it's the Conexant SoftK56 PCI card then it doesn't work
under Linux (yet) because it's a "winmodem" and AFAIK there
is no "linmodem" driver written yet (see my recent post in
comp.os.linux.hardware to which I received no reply yet).

You might want to check out for more info.

My advice is to get a real modem. (That's not meant to sound
rude it's just that winmodems really aren't real modems as they
rely on software drivers to do most of the work).



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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ken Knecht)
Subject: 1024 cylinder limit info please?
Date: 1 Jul 2000 17:26:57 GMT

I'm trying to gather info before I try to install my TurboLinux 
4.0 desktop system.

Can someone explain this Linux 1024 cylinder limit to me? My HD 
has, as far as I can read the number on the installed unit, 
16989 cylinders. My Amibios 1.00.06.BSO BIOS doesn't seem to 
have an LBA option for IDE HDs. My Maxtor DianondMax V20 91021U2 
drive has 10.2G. The BIOS setup says 16320 Cylinders, 16 heads, 
63 sectors, 8,033 Mb capacity. MSD (ancient MS DOS Diagnostic) 
says 128 cylinders, 255 heads, 512 bytes/sector, 63 
sectors/track (this adds up to 1G, the size of the only 
formatted partition). Seems like there's some translation going 
on somewhere. That means I have to install the Linux root within 
about 600M of the beginning of the HD? I was going to put a 1G 
DOS partition in there but I guess I'll gave to use Partition 
Magic to reduce it to a couple of hundred M. That also means I 
can't put anothe Linux on the HD as I had planned to do? I 
currently only have a 1G DOS (MS 6.22) partition on the HD and 
it seems to work fine and a DIR gives a C: capacity of 1G. So 
maybe it'll work for Linux and LILO?

Is this 1024 limitation just for LILO or would System Commander 
and/or a floppy boot disk not work either?

Thanks much.



From: Romano Frenquelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Newbie: kppp without passwd?
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 18:17:03 +0200

    Is there any way to run kppp and in general pppd connections in
normal user mode?
I mean I do not want to insert the root password every time I connect to
my ISP ( I have a PC and I'm the unique user.. It is not conformable to
type password every time.......

Thank you


Subject: Re: Partitioning of large IDE-Disk
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 17:20:18 GMT

>    Device Boot    Start       End    Blocks   Id  System
> /dev/hdc1             1     12484   6291904+   b  Win95 FAT32
> /dev/hdc2         12485     24968   6291936    b  Win95 FAT32
> /dev/hdc3         24969     29765   2417688    b  Win95 FAT32

Try changing the partition type to "c" (WIN95 FAT32 (LBA)) and see if
that helps.  You should be able to see above the 2gb barrier then.
Also, out of curiosity, why are you using that file type?  Do you plan
to access these partitions from Windows?

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From: Draco Ravenloft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.uu.comp.os.linux.questions,alt.os.linux.mandrake,
Subject: Re: Activate lilo graphics
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 12:33:44 -0500

hat's to start Xwinodows... NOT lilo

Derek Whitten wrote:

> startx
> "Draco Ravenloft" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Ok, I've upgraded my Lilo to a version that is graphically based rather
> > than text........
> >
> > uhmm.... i have one problem though.....
> >
> > I can't figure out how to turn the graphics on........ it still loads in
> > text and I'm not having great deal of luck wif the docs.
> >
> >
> >
> >


Subject: Re: This may be a stupid question, but are there Linux viruses (virii?)?
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 17:31:03 GMT

> Are there Linux viruses (virii?)?

So far I really haven't heard/read of one although I think there was a
worm that propogated itself a fair amount once.  But that still isn't a
virus.  There are quite a few things that make viruses extremely hard to
spread on Linux systems.

Just the same, there are virus packages available for Linux although
they mostly just search for viruses that infect Windows/DOS systems.
This is still important since quit a few linux systems are used as file
servers and would possibly be helping spread a Windows/DOS virus.

A good article about the whole Linux virus issue is at:

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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Hoffmann)
Subject: Re: Fetchmail Question
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 17:43:54 GMT

On 1 Jul 2000 10:58:23 GMT, Colin Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Tom Hoffmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>On Fri, 30 Jun 2000 19:42:04 -0500, David ..
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Jeffrey Lacy wrote:
>>>> Hi.  I am running Redhat 6.2.  How can I make fetchmail fetch mail
>>>> every X minutes without manually starting it?  Thanks in advance!
>>>Use "cron"
>>Don't use cron, use fetchmail in daemon mode:
>>fetchmail -d 600
>>will run fetchmail every 600 seconds.
>I've found fetchmail's daemon mode to be unreliable; every so often it
>encountered some kind of transient networking error and decided to die
>with a SIGTERM. Since the only record of this was in the logfile it
>wrote (otherwise it just looked like I was getting no mail), it reached
>the point where I had to write a cron job which mailed me if the last
>line of the logfile was "Terminated with signal 15" or whatever. This
>all seemed rather silly, so I switched to using cron for fetchmail
>After all, as a friend of mine put it, cron is the bit of your system
>that's *designed* to run processes at regular intervals.

And daemons are the bit of your system that are *designed* to "run"
continuosly waiting for some event.

I've never heard of anyone else having the problem you mentioned w/
fetchmail. Maybe it's the symptom of another problem. 

In any case, as long as your fetchmail cron job does what you want, keep
running it.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (H Dziardziel)
Subject: Re: i810 video card driver support in xfree86 4.0
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 17:50:51 GMT

On Fri, 30 Jun 2000 07:37:15 -0700, D G

>Dave Breece wrote:
>> "D G" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>> > Dave Breece wrote:
>> > >
>> > > Supposedly, xfree86 4.0 supports Intel's i810 chipset, including
>> > > the i810e board that is in my quantex box. Although it's not listed
>> > > in the x86config card database, you can edit the XF86Config by
>> > > hand.
>> > >
>> > > After getting everything set up, running startx gives me the error:
>> > >
>> > > (II) I810(0): AGPIOC_ACQUIRE failed
>> > >
>> > > Does anyone know how to fix this, or alternately, does anyone
>> > > know where I can look this error up?
>> >
>> > Do you have the agpgart module loaded?  Do you have a /dev/agpgart
>> > device (or /dev/agpgarti810 (i think) for suse)?
>> >
>> > If not, that's probably why you get the error.
>> /dev/agpgart is there. Installed it a few days ago, and cleanly. After a
>> couple of
>> days of fiddling with the XF86Config, I get the similar, but possibly more
>> informative error:
>> (II) I810(0): AGPIOC_ACQUIRE failed
>> Fatal server error:
>> AddScreen/ScreenInit failed for driver 0
>> Additionally, when I ran vgatest (I'm trying everything), it informed that
>> if found
>> no VESA bios, which doesn't sound good, but I'm having trouble finding any
>> info on such a thing.
>When I'm brave enough to try XF 4.0, then I'll get back to you :/. As I
>understand it though, the i810 driver is still under development in XF
It seems many people are having a problem with XF4 and the i810
whereas 3.3.6 works well.  In both cases the install procedure
is identical or so it seems.  Have you checked Intel's site where
they have good support and a forum for this chipset?


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin
Subject: Re: Behind IPMasq Sendmail config?
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 17:44:36 GMT

>    What is the correct configuration for sendmail on a server that is
> behind an IPMasq server?

If all you want to do is send mail.. do a regular setup, your all set.
If you also want to receive mail, you have a few options:

Use IPMasq to redirect a 2nd IP to your mail server. (easiest)

Redirect the SMTP port on the IPMasq server to your mail server.  (Not
sure how this is done, but I know it's possible.)

Allow some other server outside your network to receive your mail and
use fetchmail to get your mail.

Keep in mind the the first two options would require you to have a
static (non-changing) IP address from your ISP for your mail server and
have DNS set up to list this address as your mail server.

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Before you buy.


From: "leanne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 1024 cylinder limit info please?
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 17:53:28 GMT

well ...... iv just been trying to install linux also .....  when u r doing
ur partitioning .... it will show u how many cylinders there are on your HDD
..... becos u will be using the cylinder number or the amount of Megs to
specify where u want the partition ...


Ken Knecht wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I'm trying to gather info before I try to install my TurboLinux
>4.0 desktop system.
>Can someone explain this Linux 1024 cylinder limit to me? My HD
>has, as far as I can read the number on the installed unit,
>16989 cylinders. My Amibios 1.00.06.BSO BIOS doesn't seem to
>have an LBA option for IDE HDs. My Maxtor DianondMax V20 91021U2
>drive has 10.2G. The BIOS setup says 16320 Cylinders, 16 heads,
>63 sectors, 8,033 Mb capacity. MSD (ancient MS DOS Diagnostic)
>says 128 cylinders, 255 heads, 512 bytes/sector, 63
>sectors/track (this adds up to 1G, the size of the only
>formatted partition). Seems like there's some translation going
>on somewhere. That means I have to install the Linux root within
>about 600M of the beginning of the HD? I was going to put a 1G
>DOS partition in there but I guess I'll gave to use Partition
>Magic to reduce it to a couple of hundred M. That also means I
>can't put anothe Linux on the HD as I had planned to do? I
>currently only have a 1G DOS (MS 6.22) partition on the HD and
>it seems to work fine and a DIR gives a C: capacity of 1G. So
>maybe it'll work for Linux and LILO?
>Is this 1024 limitation just for LILO or would System Commander
>and/or a floppy boot disk not work either?
>Thanks much.


From: "locke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: yet_another_lilo_problem
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2000 19:03:28 +0100

"CoryJ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Have you by any chance rebuilt your kernel since the original install of
> LILO, or moved anything around (partitions, partition sizes, etc?)  LILO
> is quite picky about what it expects to find when booking Linux.

Don't think so, but certainly a real possibility.

> My
> advice (remember what you are paying for it :)

But of course!  Usenet still astounds me after all this time with the
numbers of people volunteering free help, especially the linux groups, it
has to be said.  Just nice to get some pointers when you feel like you're
banging your head against a brick wall...  And I'm doing better than last
time I (failed to) install linux... at least my sound-card is working this

>would be to:
> Boot linux by starting off CD (It sounded like you could start your
> system ok this way.)

Yup, although this way Linux 64M (half) of my RAM.  Is there any way to
change this, aside from the append="mem=128M" in lilo?

> check /etc/lilo.conf and make sure that the following is right:
> boot=/dev/hda
> Then in the section that loads linux check that:
>   image=(your current kernel as it appears with linux booted.. ie you
> want something like /boot/vmlinuz and not /dev/hda5)
>   root=(your root partition _device_, ie: /dev/hda6)
>   read-only  (should not be read-write when booting on HD)
> If it is all ok, or after you fix it, run /sbin/lilo

I jyst read it from my windows installation, and the only difference is the
read-only comment on the root partition (/dev/hda7).  I'll try it again when
I boot into Linux though.  I'm starting to really consider wiping Win98
completely from my C: and just having linux there, with win2k on my 2nd
HD... which will be a fun day of burning everything to disc before
reformatting to realise that I forgot to back-up something crucial <g>

> Now reboot your system and see if you can start using LILO.
> BTW, in case you're curious why /boot is under /dev/hda5...

(snip surprisingly clear explanation of disk partitions- made sense to me!)
Didn't realise that logicals began at hda5.  This is the second time I've
tried to install Linux on this PC, my previous suse 6.2 was on hda3/4+5 and
I didn't change anything when I installed Suse 6.4 except tell Yast2 to
format and use those partitions... which is why I was surprised that they
changed numbers.

Anyway, cheers for your help. Here goes again...



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ken Knecht)
Subject: Re: 1024 cylinder limit info please?
Date: 1 Jul 2000 18:06:37 GMT

I'm trying to plan ahead first to see if I'm going to have a 
problem. Fdisk doesn't show the cylinders, but I'm sure you are 
right about partitioning in Linux. I'd like to have all this 
info and all my decisions made before I start the Linux install 
- if that's possible.

BTW, my TurboLinux Workstation is 6.0, not 4.0. I had a mental 
typo when I wrote that.<g>


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (leanne) wrote in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>well ...... iv just been trying to install linux also ..... 
>when u r doing ur partitioning .... it will show u how many
>cylinders there are on your HDD ..... becos u will be using
>the cylinder number or the amount of Megs to specify where u
>want the partition ... 



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