On Tue, 26 Aug 2003 18:39, you wrote:
> Christopher Sawtell wrote:
> >Took them up on their offer when it was announced.
> >"Double your speed, for an extra $4.00 per month, Interested"?
> >
> >So I said "Yes please", and it just happened.
> This thread got me motivated yesterday to email telstra about getting
> bumped up to 256kbps from my current 128kbps.
> They emailed me today saying that if I wanted to change it will cost me
> $1.74 LESS than what I am currently paying per month.
> This sounds good to me :-)
Indeed it is!
But please, Please be aware of the fact that to get your onging outgoing rate 
much over a very few Kilobytes per second you have to really whinge to get 
them to bump it up. Also note that it is foolhardy in the extreme to connect 
without an IPCop or something similar. It's only too simple to repeat the 
saga suffered by one of us recently.
Sincerely etc.,
Christopher Sawtell

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