Hi Jayne,

It's good to have you here, not so long ago I was at the bottom of the learning curve myself, not all that sure I've moved very far up it yet, I certainly have a long way to go and am learning all the time. I've had lots of helpful suggestions from this list in response to my really basic questions, some of which help and others lead to further confusion or the need to look at yet more topics! There's the full range of ability and experience here.

Often people suggest a quick search in google for answers. Pre-supposes you know what to search for though...


Jayne Glynn wrote:

I joined this list a few days ago and thought I should stop “lurking” and say hello.

I’m a total newbie so is it ok for me to join in here or is this list just for people who know what they’re talking about? Don’t want to brass anyone off when I start asking basic questions.



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