Paul Moore wrote:
> The fact is most of the CD Burners stem from about 4 or 5 main manufactures.
> Most "CLAIM" to make the CD Burner, but a close look at the Firmware will
> show this to be a lie...  I know the three big ones are Yamaha, Lite On, and
> HP.  I personally have had great luck with Yamaha, and Lite On, and my
> current HP is at best just Ok.  To date, the majority of the 24X Burners are
> all made by Light On, but be careful, most media is only tested up to 16X.
> The key thing to look for is BurnProof, or SMART-burn technology.  As for
> IDE vs SCSI, this argument could go on for years with no answer, I have both
> and both work great.  I recommend IDE to anyone the hates trouble shooting
> hardware problems, because SCSI will give you hardware problems....
> Paul Moore

Hi Paul.
So what you're telling me is to buy the cheapest 24x burner I can find, 
since it's probly made by Lite-On, anyway. Is there a way of finding out 
who the actual manufacturer is?
As far as "Burnproof", or "SMART-burn", they all claim to have some 
variation on the theme. Are they all the same, or is one technology 
actually better than another?


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