Paul Moore wrote:
> A very useful FAQ on CD-R technology.  
> Also covers all the different versions of Anti-Coaster Technology
> and the link for Anti-Coaster Technology

OK, it's starting to look like the LG Electronics unit that Best Buy has 
is leading. It has an 8 MB buffer cache and ExacLink buffer underrun 
protection, and is 24x for $130 (they also have a 12xCD-RW/8xDVD for 
$150) -- both with $20 mail-in rebates. Now, what's unclear to me still 
is all these competing technologies. The links you sent have served to 
confuse rather than clarify the situation ;-(.

cdrecord claims to only support BURNProof. But as I read the FAQs on 
this stuff, these technologies are FIRMware technologies -- on the 
DRIVE. What does cdrecord care about the buffer underrun protection the 
DRIVE usees?  cdrecord is just feeding it the data. Or am I 
over-simplifying what cdrcord has to do?

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