On Mon, 18 Feb 2002 19:50:15 -0500 Tim Wunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I know... this has been hashed out before, but technology changes. I 
> need to replace my old Yamaha SCSI CD-RW with a new one, probably IDE 
> (once I straighten out my filesystem and get rid of the 2.4GB drive). I 
> mosied over to my local Best Buy here in Baltimore, and have these fine 
> choices:
> Digital Research Technologies: 24x, $100
> Samsung: 24x, $110
> Buslink: 24x, $100
> LG Int'l: 12x, $130 (24x, $180??)
> Acer: 24x, $130

Staples has old SONY cdrw's in stock, still new, 16x write with burnproof
technology for around $120.00.


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