David A. Bandel wrote:
> On Thu, 21 Feb 2002 11:29:07 -0500
> begin  Tim Wunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed forth:
>>I am in need of some enlightenment. What is the purpose of procmail and 
>>how does it relate to sendmail?
> your e-mail client (looks like you're using Mozilla mail): MUA (mail user
> agent) -- it picks up mail via pop3 or imap (or reads from an mbox file)
> and sends outgoing mail to your MTA.

Yes. The mail client I'm using *right now* is Moz. I use KMail at home. 
I've got KMail configured to get mail from /var/spool/mail/<user>. I'll 
also get the mail via POP3, once, to grab the messages left in my ~/mbox 
file after Mozilla gets the messages (Moz is set to leave messages on 
the server). As I understand things now, if I start using procmail, 
procmail will grab the messages from /var/spool/mail/<user>, filter them 
based on /etc/procmailrc and .procmailrc and place them in ~/mbox (or 
wherever else the procmailrc file(s) direct). How does it do that? Do I 
need to run procmail as a daemon, or will it just do it provided that I 
configure my sendamil.cf file correctly?

> sendmail: MTA (mail transport agent) -- it talks to other MTAs to deliver
> mail on the Internet.
> procmail: MDA (mail delivery agent or local delivery agent) -- takes mail
> from sendmail and puts it in users mbox  (this could also be deliver or
> other agents)

So as there are several different MTA's, there are also several 
different MDA's. Apparently, Caldera, by default, uses mail.local as an 
MDA (?).

> You want to use procmail (see below)


>>What I want to do is filter out spam, especially for my youngest, who is
>>fast approaching 10 years of age (man, I'm getting old...). So, for 
>>that, I assume that I need procmail. But, if I start using procmail, 
>>what happens to the mail that sendmail distributes to 
>>/var/spool/mail/<user>? Doesn't procmail process the mail and put it in 
>>/home/<user>/mbox? Or can I control where procmail puts stuff? If I use 
>>procmail to process the mail, can I still retrieve it via POP from the 
>>Internet? Is there a better way to process the mail to remove spam?
> Go to Freshmeat and search on razor.  Look for Vipul's razor.  Install it
> and create an /etc/procmailrc as per the directions.  This will do wonders
> for killing 95%+ of your spam problem.
> Ciao,
> David A. Bandel

Thanks David. What's the advantage of Vipul's razor over Spam Assasin?


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