
On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, Bruce Marshall wrote:

> On Thursday 21 February 2002 14:01 pm, Tim Wunder wrote:
> > Thanks David. What's the advantage of Vipul's razor over Spam Assasin?
> If I understand it correctly....  Vipul's razor is a database of known 
> spammer addresses.....    so all razor does is check email against those 
> addresses.
> Spamassassin looks at the email for content and other 'spammish' things 
> including bad words,  and *also*  passes the sender address against  razor,  
> spamcop, and about 3 other blocking databases....
> I vote for Spamassassin.

   Can Spamassassin also be used to filter out virii (you know, those
things that break WinBlows machines but don't hurt *us*).  Got a school
that uses Linux for their email gateway but they want to filter out the
virii so their MS boxes don't get wasted.

   I suggested they just install Linux and waste the MS crap and be done 
with it...

      --- Jay
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