On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, Net Llama wrote:

> --- Stew Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, Net Llama wrote:
> > 
> > > The only thing is a reference to the memory range to exclude in
> > > config.opts, which i already got by default in the pcmcia-cs RPM
> > that
> > > came with YellowDog.
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > Don't know if input from the "buggy" distro is welcome, but I don't
> Which distro might that be?  I'll take input from anywhere at this
> point, i'm kinda desperate.

Mandrake - the PPC version to be precise. I thought you had mentioned a
certain aversion to it, but I won't take it personally. ;^)

> > recall
> > seeing the ranges/ports you are using. As another datapoint I use:
> > 
> > # System resources available for PCMCIA devices
> > 
> > include port 0x1000-0x1fff
> > include memory 0x90000000-0x9003ffff
> Hrmm...that's interesting, and completely different from the
> recommendation here:
> http://pcmcia-cs.sourceforge.net/ftp/doc/PCMCIA-HOWTO-2.html#ss2.4
> But, since the recommendation in the HOWTO hasn't worked, i'll gladly
> try yours.
> > On my Powerbook Lombard. I've succesffuly used a modem, ethernet card,
> > Compact Flash, and most recently, a firewire adapter.
> That's encouraging.
> > For the PPC build I override the normal PCMCIA defaults with these
> > values,
> > with a patch.
> patch?  Where did you get this patch?  Is there more to it than just
> those memory & port values?

I made it, based on info I picked up along the way.  For the Mandrake RPM,
it's only applied when %ifarch ppc.  That's all I change. 

> > Did you isolate the source of your disk corruption? Just curious as I
> > had
> > a serious run of similar behaviour around 2.4.16 on my build machine.
> Nope, never figured it out.  I was forced to reinstall the last time it
> occured, because all of /etc was wiped out, and i'm not aware of any PPC
> compatible linux boot disks.  It happened within the first few hours of
> my first two installs, and since my latest install dates back to Monday
> morning, it seems to have either mysteriously gone away on its own, or
> not yet cropped up again.  If it does occur again, i'm going to assume
> some kind of hardware problem, since i'm using the default kernel that
> came with YDL, and there aren't any other reports of such a problem.

Could have been hardware.  I had a 7600 donated, and it worked intially
with MacOS and LinuxPPC installed, but then started flaking out (perahps
shipping damage, who knows?). Once I repartitioned/reformatted and
re-installed (Mandrake of course) it's been OK.

On PPC, using kernel.org sources, generally every 2nd or 3rd version
release can have some particularly bad problems on PPC.  Most PPC folks
will use Ben Herrenschmidt's kernel of the BK tree, but I'm kind of locked
into adapting the Mandrake kernel for PPC. 

Stew Benedict

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