Bill Campbell wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 22, 2002 at 12:41:40AM -0500, Marvin Dickens wrote:
> >The Bush administration proposed today to drop a requirement
> >at the heart of federal rules protecting the privacy of
> >medical records. It said doctors and hospitals should not
> >have to obtain consent from patients before using or
> >disclosing medical information for the purpose of treatment
> >or reimbursement.
> >
> >Full story:
> >
> >
> >Apparently, the insurance industry gave more than a sh!t load of money to
> >the GOP... So much so as to entice the Bush administration to attempt to
> >violate the US constitution. I am absolutely disgusted.
> Snip

The first three words of the Constitution, We The People, designated the
People as the true owners of government, not rich special interests.
Somewhere along the way we got lost. It's a shame; we could have been a
Great Country.

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