edj wrote:
> The US Constitution limits only the government, not private parties.
> Thus, while the US government would need a warrant to recover my "papers
> and effects", my doctor could disseminate my records to whomever he
> wished, absent statutory prohibition.  The Bush administration wishes to
> amend the statute.  No constitutional prohibition, I'm afraid.
> --

How so? I can't simply sieze documents belonging to you, anymore than a
doctor, attorney, private company or anyone else can sieze anything
that's considered a private record. Explicit permission has to be given
for such, such as a release consent, or warrant, regardless of the
pursuer's belonging to a government or private sector. Items of public
record that are available freely are not considered to be *private* as
are personal records, papers, and other things. As an employee of the
Supreme Court of New Mexico, though many records are available on a
public case lookup, there's specific prohibitions against me
disseminating those elsewhere, even though they're public documents and
I'm a private individual, let alone disseminating private information.
Just because an individual or company doesn't fall under the category of
a government entity doesn't negate the right of an individual to be
protected from the dissemination of private information. Kevin Mitnick
spent a *long* time in prison for taking something he had no permission
or granted right to take (source code from Nokia and Sun) and was
considered a private record or effect and had no statutory prohibition,
e.g. no law stating that Nokia or Sun couldn't distribute their source
code without permission. Without the amendment's language there's no
defining line between theft and borrowing, legal and illegal, private
and public. The application of it provides equal protection, regardless
of the pursuer, government or private sector, though it's been distorted
sometimes to fit the situation as necessary.
Andrew Mathews
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