begin  Brian Witowski's  quote:

| Make ./configure went off without a hitch, as did Make.  But when I
| attempted Make Install I got No rule to make target
| ../linux-g++/qmake.conf needed by Makefile'

i'm a little surprised that it built at all. qt is generally built in 
place -- you don't install it after you've built it, because it's 
already where it's supposed to be. (the reason i'm surprised it built 
is that it in the past has thrown an error if it's not in $QTDIR as 
defined by the system configuration. this used to be easier to deal 
with than it is in some distributions now -- for instance, suse has 
some nonstandard configuration files that sometimes need to be edited 
to get the environmental variable override to take place.)
dep -- outside the box, barely within the 
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
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