Federico Voges wrote:
> Yes I can get JPEG and AVI. Avi using the following settings:
> Module: MS AVI (obviously)

Is that a kernel module?  Where are you getting it?

> Video format: JPEG (JFIF)
> FPS: 15
> Video size: 320x240
> I've tried all the other video formats, but got "error [init]". The
> console output is:
> "No way to get: 320x240 <video mode here>"

I wish i could get that far with xawtv.  It refuses to use any 
resolution other than 128x96.

> So, yes. It works, but with some restrictions.
> And for the XVideo, you can start xawtv with -noxv (from
> README.recording)

THat still makes no difference.  I continue to see the same error:
ioctl: VIDIOCMCAPTURE(0,fmt=7,size=128x96): Invalid argument

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