On Fri, 26 Apr 2002, David A. Bandel wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Apr 2002 09:31:28 -0400 (EDT)
> begin  Net Llama! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed forth:
> > > This problem (of bttv having sound but nothing else) is because you're
> > > loading the bttv stuff first.  Rip it out, load the sound first, get
> > > it working, then load bttv and all will be well.  I got bit once by
> > > this nasty bug (when I upgraded to 3.1.1).
> >
> > Which "sound" are you referring to here?  The modules for the soundcard,
> > or the usb audio module?
> I don't have any USB stuff.  But during the 3.1.1 upgrade, I suddenly lost
> all sound except for the bttv module (i.e., I had sound in xawtv, but not
> with xmms, etc.).  When I loaded aumix, I only had two controls.
> So I unloaded _all_ modules that had to do with sound and reloaded them,
> but installing the normal sound modules first.  That fixed aumix.  Then I
> loaded bttv (and associated modules) and saw that everything had sound.  I
> also noticed the modules for sound and bttv-sound were loaded in reversed
> order in lsmod.  Experimenting proved to me that the normal sound modules
> must load first or the bttv-sound modules grab everything and normal sound
> is unusable.
> It's possible there's also a loading order needed with the USB sound
> modules, but I have no way to test this.

OK, well AFAIK, there's only 1 USB sound module, audio.o.  Since you seem
to be using xawtv, perhaps you've figured out some of its mysteries better
than I.  If you select the "Save Movie (AVI)" option, do you end up with a
single file containing the movie, with sound, or multiple files?  Each
time I select that option (with my webcam), xawtv attempts to save 1
"sound" file, and many, many, many tiny movie files (it almost looks like
its saving snapshots in real time, but can't quite do it fast enough).

To further complicate this weirdness, when i use 'streamer' to save an AVI
format movie (which is part of the xawtv package, and my guess is what
xawtv is using to save the movie behind the scenes) i end up with a single
movie file, which plays (but has the white noise problem that i remarked
about earlier in this thread).

Lonni J Friedman                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo                  http://netllama.ipfox.com

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