Glenn Williams wrote:
> Hi, Group:
> Last week someone said (Kurt Wall?) he prefers XFS over ext3, reiserfs
> and possibly others.  But I didn't see any reasons given for the
> preference.
> I can (and will) read some info about XFS on the Internet, but I am more
> interested in hearing reasons for that choice from group memebers.
> Anyone?
> Regards,
> Glenn
> Glenn Williams - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Registered Linux User # 135678 - since 1994
> _______________________________________________

Personally, I find XFS to be faster than ext2, ext3, reiserfs or jfs.
I've run tests using mass file read/writes and performance measurement
tools such as bonnie, and XFS is consistently the winner. It really
kicks as$ at raw I/O performance. It's the result of years of experience
from the mindshare at SGI (formerly Silicon Graphics). SGI has used XFS
as the basis for IRIX since 5.3. (iirc) Remember that SGI has been *the*
defacto standard for high performance graphics processing for many
years. Most of the computer generated graphics you see in any popular
movie was created on an SGI machine, be it a lowly Indy, or a complete
Onyx rendering farm. Only in the last year or so have they been moving
to a linux based systems, and that's only because  recently a version of
Maya was released for linux. I have literally never had an XFS system
that experienced data corruption. I can't say the same for any of the
For a better explaination see:
For the FAQ's see:
For a downloadable iso image that you can boot from (requires Red Hat
7.2 cd's for remaining programs) see:
Of course you can also get XFS distro independent. Lonni has an
excellent SxS on this. 
Andrew Mathews
  4:50pm  up 7 days, 20:26,  9 users,  load average: 1.13, 1.04, 1.01
A very intelligent turtle
Found programming UNIX a hurdle
        The system, you see,
        Ran as slow as did he,
And that's not saying much for the turtle.
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