On Sun, 28 Apr 2002 16:13:58 -0400 Jerry McBride
> On Sun, 28 Apr 2002 02:22:48 -0500 "Richard R. Sivernell"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Collins
> >   
> >   I have an older laptop coming, a compac. It has a 1 gig hd and
> >   can have 40 meg memory. At this time I have no cdrom on the
> >   machine, my son is sending it. & the cdrom with pcmia that I do
> >   have does not support linux, on braindead stuff. My question is,
> >   with these requirements can I still install gento on it. I am
> >   going to get a larger hard disk 4-10 gig. I will run X and xfce
> >   on it. would like just enough kde3 to run kdevelop & java
> >   development. The lan nic 10/100 pcmia is ok but I may not have
> >   the tcpip stuff on the machine. Now the machine may turn out to
> >   be a big waste of time too, just do not know at this time. It is
> >   inroute now.
> > 
> What model Compaq?
> As for unsupported pcmcia IDE cdroms... the only hitch I've come
> across is some of the older units not being able to read cdr or
> cdrw. 
> As for running kde3 or portions there-of on 40meg... good luck. :')

Sorry to hear about that!  I don't think gentoo or any of the
mega-distros is the answer.  64meg ram is pretty much the minimum for
anything with X.

There's a really minimalist distro, but I can't remember the name. 
You might do some searches on google or on our archives (I tried it
out long ago).  xfce or blackbox are your best bets for a usable X
environment with low mem.

Good luck.

Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
gentoo(since 01/01/01) 2.4.17+ xfce-sylpheed-dillo-opera
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