----- Original Message -----
From: "Jerry McBride" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2002 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: XFS

> On Sat, 27 Apr 2002 11:37:09 -0600 Glenn Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


> > I can (and will) read some info about XFS on the Internet, but I am
> > interested in hearing reasons for that choice from group memebers.

Thanks to Jerry and all the others who reponded to my request.  I got a
lot of useful opinions and information.  I also printed out and read the
XFS blurb from the CGI site.

Yesterday I did the default SuSE 8.0 Pro installation on an older
machine, and the ext3 fs was installed.

Today I plan to do a manual install on a PIII - 1 Gig machine, and I
will install ext3 and then convert to XFS this time, once I've learned
more about the conversion process and the kernel patch.

Thanks to all.


Glenn Williams - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Registered Linux User # 135678 - since 1994

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