On Sun, 28 Apr 2002 13:41:47 -0700, Net Llama! wrote:
> I'm not too surprised that those attempts fail to work, because they 
> shouldnt' work, they're incorrect syntax.  You might want to look at the 
> man page for mount, but these are both wrong:
> /mount /media/floppy
> mount /dev/fd0
> The mount command requires at least 3 parameters, the filesystem type, 
> device, and mount point.  So, assuming that your floppy is formatted for 
> ext2, the correct command would be:
> mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
> Adjust for your own environment.

Well, actually, if /etc/fstab is set up correctly, then 'mount /mnt/floppy'
would work.  I have mine set to mount any type:

/etc/fstab entry:

/dev/fd0        /floppy         auto    user,noauto             0       0

As you can see, I just use plain /floppy for the mount point.  The 'auto'
after that is so that it will mount either ext2 or vfat or msdos.  The
'noauto' is just so that the thing is not trying to mount upon boot.  When I
want the floppy, I type 'mount /floppy' - well actually I type 'mount /f'
and hit the TAB to autofill.

I imagine that there is a difference in the /etc/fstab on this new version
from what you had in the older version.  That and you may not have the mount
point that was in that one either.  So what you did before doesn't work


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