Thanks.  I'll put them on the list to check out.  Darn, I thought I had 
done this a couple of years ago when I went through all this and ended up 
with Caldera! <G>.

Bruce Marshall wrote:

> On Thursday 09 May 2002 20:37 pm, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
>> What do you recommend then for a distro?  I see - and this is based only
>> on my time in the newsgroups and mailing lists:
>> RH - the MS an AOL of the Linux world: breaks rules, doesn't maintain
>> standards,bleeding edge, doesn't have much of a clue.  They made it
>> popular but lost it
>> SUSE - ?
> SuSE gets my vote.   Timely and regular releases.  Reasonably good updates
> on
> a regular basis.   A good mail list for support.   Good docs.

Brett I. Holcomb
AKA Grunt <><
Registered Linux User #188143
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