Hello Lists,

I have set up my Siemens Wireless PCMCIA card using the orinoco_cs drivers
and according to the manufacturer, I have altered the following files:

1.  /etc/pcmcia/config  - put the info about the card and told it to
                          bind to orinoco_cs here.
2.  /etc/wireless.opts  - put the INFO aabout INFO, ESSID, MODE here.

3.  Setup the card under yast as eth-pcmcia-0 which gets put up as eth1.
4.  When I finish the set up it runs like a charm. 

When I shutdown the laptop when I'm done and later reboot it, nothings
works until I go back to yast and reset the card up again. What am I

HARDWARE INFO:   Compaq M700 (PIII-850, 256M RAM, Two Type II PCMCIA slots
                 Linksys Access Point
                 Siemens PCMCIA Wireless NIC in Slot 1 (2nd slot)

SOFTWARE INFO:   SuSE 8.0 Pro, KDE3, Basically out of box install with
                 YOU updates. Uses yenta_socket drivers.

Thanks in advance for help.  BTW, Can't get it to run at all under WinXP.
Go figure!!!

Best Regards,

Keith B.

P.S.  sent this email under wireless/SuSE 8
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