I can't give you an example of pcmcia scripts because I don't use it. And, I
don't use SUSE.

I would just put into rc.local, or whatever SUSE calles it, the
commands to configure your card. rc.local runs after everything else
during bootup.  Another place to put these commands is in .bashrc in
your home directory. (I assume you use bash.)  If you can't figure out
the commands, send me the SUSE startup scripts (for pcmcia) and the
configuration files and I will take a look at it.

BTW, I have given up on the complicated network configuration scripts which
come with the distros; just write those scripts yourself to apply to your own
hardware. It is much simpler that way.


 On Mon, May 20, 2002 at 07:17:49AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Joel,
> What I have figured is that I need to restart pcmcia and network after
> all is said and done.  I notice in rc?.d that pcmcia loads before
> network and again after network stuff. Could you give me an example
> of how to put up a script to make pcmcia reload or load after the
> network has started?.
> BTW, I have changed to a Linksys Instant Wireless pcmcia card in order
> to get it to work under winXP, I know, but I need winXP for business
> right now. I had to figure out what to do to get it to run under linux
> as there is no info on configuring this card under linux. I am still at
> the delimna of boot order/restart, but once that is figured out I
> could write a SxS for this card if anyone is interested.
> Best Regards,
> Keith B.
> Joel Hammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >You have two choices, in general.
> >
> >1. Try to figure out the convoluted logic of the professionals who
> >set us the SUSE distro, who had to figure out how to anticipate any
> >number of combinations of devices and drivers and who knows what else.
> >This might take a while, since you may not find any documentation explaining
> >just how those bash startup scripts work.
> >
> >                    OR
> >
> >2. Just put the command to start the thang in rc.local or whatever it is
> >on SUSE. I have by now rewritten some of my startup scripts a number of
> >times. In the process I have leaned to write bash scripts and I have very
> >good control over my devices and daemons. It turns out it is impossible
> >to setup linux so that no matter what devices or daemons you add, the
> >startup scripts that come standard with the distro will be able to start
> >all the devices and daemons properly for you. (dynamic host resolution,
> >network cards in general, and jazz drives come to mind).  Order of loading
> >is the sort of thing the startup scripts can't figure out, for example.
> >
> >Joel
> >
> >On Sun, May 19, 2002 at 05:55:11PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> Llama,
> >> 
> >> Ok, I no longer have to do yast. It still requires however, a rcnetwark
> >> restart to turn on the card. Should I try alias eth-pcmcia orinoco_cs in
> >> /etc/modules.conf?  Where do I change the order so that the pcmcia loads
> >> after network loads?
> >> 
> >> Best,
> >> 
> >> Keith B.
> >> 
> >> "Net Llama!" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> 
> >> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> >> LLama,
> >> >> 
> >> >> No such bird as ifcfg-eth1. I did put alias eth1 orinoco_cs in 
> >> >> /etc/modulesconf.  I found ifcfg-eth-pcmcia-0, but no entry for
> >> >> ONBOOOT. I restarted the network using rcnetwork restart, but I have
> >> >> not rebooted. Will do it now and get back to you.
> >> >
> >> >I should have prefaced my suggestions with the warning that I have zero 
> >> >wireless experience, and i'm just basing everything on how this all 
> >> >works with a traditional 10/100 NIC.  Its quite possible that SuSE uses 
> >> >ifcfg-eth-pcmcia-0 instead of ifcfg-eth[0,1].
> >> >
> >> >> 
> >> >> Thanks for your response. Enjoy that new baby!!!
> >> >
> >> >Thanks.  We're trying, in between the lack of sleep :)
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >> 
> >> >> Best Regards,
> >> >> 
> >> >> Keith B.
> >> >> 
> >> >> "Net Llama!" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> >> 
> >> >> 
> >> >>>Sounds like Joel might be onto something.  First, *forget* YAST.  Its 
> >> >>>obscuring what you need to accomplish.  You should first look at 
> >> >>>/etc/modules.conf to see if there is an entry for eth1.  If not, add it 
> >> >>>like this:
> >> >>>alias eth1 orinoco_cs
> >> >>>
> >> >>>Next, look at /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 and verify that 
> >> >>>ONBOOT=YES, and all the other info listed is correct.
> >> >>>
> >> >>>Report your progress.
> >> >>>
> >> >>>Joel Hammer wrote:
> >> >>>
> >> >>>>Don't know nuthin' about wireless, laptops, or PCMCIA, but: This sounds
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>
> >> >> 
> >> >>  like the drivers aren't loading at boot up. What modules are present after
> >> >> 
> >> >>>>YAST sets up your card and  what modules are loaded after reboot (lsmod) ?
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>You might look at your bootup messages (/var/log/messages, dmesg) and
> >> >>>>see if your card is being detected at bootup.
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>Does ifconfig show this type of card?
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>Joel
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>On Sun, May 19, 2002 at 01:35:55PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>>Hello Lists,
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>>I have set up my Siemens Wireless PCMCIA card using the orinoco_cs drivers
> >> >>>>>and according to the manufacturer, I have altered the following files:
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>>1.  /etc/pcmcia/config  - put the info about the card and told it to
> >> >>>>>                         bind to orinoco_cs here.
> >> >>>>>2.  /etc/wireless.opts  - put the INFO aabout INFO, ESSID, MODE here.
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>>3.  Setup the card under yast as eth-pcmcia-0 which gets put up as eth1.
> >> >>>>>4.  When I finish the set up it runs like a charm. 
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>>When I shutdown the laptop when I'm done and later reboot it, nothings
> >> >>>>>works until I go back to yast and reset the card up again. What am I
> >> >>>>>missing?
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>>HARDWARE INFO:   Compaq M700 (PIII-850, 256M RAM, Two Type II PCMCIA slots
> >> >>>>>                Linksys Access Point
> >> >>>>>                Siemens PCMCIA Wireless NIC in Slot 1 (2nd slot)
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>>SOFTWARE INFO:   SuSE 8.0 Pro, KDE3, Basically out of box install with
> >> >>>>>                YOU updates. Uses yenta_socket drivers.
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>>Thanks in advance for help.  BTW, Can't get it to run at all under WinXP.
> >> >>>>>Go figure!!!
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >-- 
> >> >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> >> >L. Friedman                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> >Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo:            http://netllama.ipfox.com
> >> >
> >> >   2:20pm  up 30 days, 21:13,  4 users,  load average: 0.07, 0.07, 0.10
> >> >
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