
No such bird as ifcfg-eth1. I did put alias eth1 orinoco_cs in 
/etc/modulesconf.  I found ifcfg-eth-pcmcia-0, but no entry for
ONBOOOT. I restarted the network using rcnetwork restart, but I have
not rebooted. Will do it now and get back to you.

Thanks for your response. Enjoy that new baby!!!

Best Regards,

Keith B.

"Net Llama!" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Sounds like Joel might be onto something.  First, *forget* YAST.  Its 
>obscuring what you need to accomplish.  You should first look at 
>/etc/modules.conf to see if there is an entry for eth1.  If not, add it 
>like this:
>alias eth1 orinoco_cs
>Next, look at /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 and verify that 
>ONBOOT=YES, and all the other info listed is correct.
>Report your progress.
>Joel Hammer wrote:
>> Don't know nuthin' about wireless, laptops, or PCMCIA, but: This sounds

 like the drivers aren't loading at boot up. What modules are present after
>> YAST sets up your card and  what modules are loaded after reboot (lsmod) ?
>> You might look at your bootup messages (/var/log/messages, dmesg) and
>> see if your card is being detected at bootup.
>> Does ifconfig show this type of card?
>> Joel
>> On Sun, May 19, 2002 at 01:35:55PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>Hello Lists,
>>>I have set up my Siemens Wireless PCMCIA card using the orinoco_cs drivers
>>>and according to the manufacturer, I have altered the following files:
>>>1.  /etc/pcmcia/config  - put the info about the card and told it to
>>>                          bind to orinoco_cs here.
>>>2.  /etc/wireless.opts  - put the INFO aabout INFO, ESSID, MODE here.
>>>3.  Setup the card under yast as eth-pcmcia-0 which gets put up as eth1.
>>>4.  When I finish the set up it runs like a charm. 
>>>When I shutdown the laptop when I'm done and later reboot it, nothings
>>>works until I go back to yast and reset the card up again. What am I
>>>HARDWARE INFO:   Compaq M700 (PIII-850, 256M RAM, Two Type II PCMCIA slots
>>>                 Linksys Access Point
>>>                 Siemens PCMCIA Wireless NIC in Slot 1 (2nd slot)
>>>SOFTWARE INFO:   SuSE 8.0 Pro, KDE3, Basically out of box install with
>>>                 YOU updates. Uses yenta_socket drivers.
>>>Thanks in advance for help.  BTW, Can't get it to run at all under WinXP.
>>>Go figure!!!
>L. Friedman                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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