On Thursday 23 May 2002 07:46, Tony Alfrey wrote:
> On Wednesday 22 May 2002 01:23 pm,Keith Antoine wrote:
> > On Wednesday 22 May 2002 08:47, Richard R. Sivernell wrote:
> > > Skippy
> > >
> > >    do you need the original ed 2.4 cd ? I have a one copy here and
> > > there are several in a store thelast time I looked. I can burn a
> > > copy if you need it.
> > >
> > > cheers
> >
> > Memory on my part is one of my downfalls. However was there not a
> > release before the eDesktop 2.4 that was just a plain Caldera 2.4 ?
> > Was this not the best release of all, or am I getting mixed up again.
> > If so I do have the eD 2.4. At what stage was the LTP release I had
> > success with,  after Ed2.4 or before, i.e after 2.4 and prior to 3.0.
> Hey SkippyDude;  too much time in the sun for you ;-)
> eD 2.4 = Caldera 2.4 = COL2.4
> LTP = just after 2.4;  I'm still running this with lots of upgrades.
> This is why I asked dep about "wasn't 3.1 supposed to be 2.4 with all
> the stuff improved".

AFAIAC its no improvement, especially with kde-2.1.1 and no upgrading.

Keith Antoine (GANDALF) aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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