IIRC, Caldera released them in this order.

OpenLinux 2.3
eDesktop 2.4
Linux Technology Preview(LTP)

eServer 2.3
eServer 2.3.1 (had some updates and patches)

I'm not sure what was released by Caldera prior to that because I've only 
been using Caldera for a little over 2 years.  I agree that eD2.4 was a very 
stable and updatable distro.  As far as W3.x is concerned, I'm not very happy 
with it.  It works, but I'd like to have some of the latest libs to run 3D 
games.  These have to be installed and/or updated by tarballs.  I'd also like 
to try out KDE3(KDE3.0.1 has just been released today).  Caldera used to make 
rpms for each stable(and some beta) releases of KDE.  The last rpm package 
made by Caldera for KDE was KDE2.2.1.  Granted, I could compile KDE & QT from 
tarballs, but have you ever done this on a P200mmx with 64MB of ram?  I don't 
have time to do this and after it's done to find I didn't do it 
right(Murphy's Law) and have to do it again.  Well, I hope that either 
Caldera changes, or I'm going to have to change.  I'd like to see this 
project succeed, but ongoing package updates are crucial to the life of a 


On Wednesday, May 22, 2002 3:23, Keith Antoine wrote:
> Memory on my part is one of my downfalls. However was there not a release
> before the eDesktop 2.4 that was just a plain Caldera 2.4 ? Was this not
> the best release of all, or am I getting mixed up again. If so I do have
> the eD 2.4. At what stage was the LTP release I had success with,  after
> Ed2.4 or before, i.e after 2.4 and prior to 3.0.

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Running Caldera W3.1 - Linux - because life is too short for reboots...
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