I looked at gentoo and at this point don't want to go through that - maybe 
later I'll look at it since I plan to have some partitions for installing 
test distros.  I need a good distro I can install, put to work and then 
maintain and keep updated.  With Gentoo I'll have to play and go through 
the learning curve but I can do that later.  I also looked a Lycois but 
couldn't really see why I would want it.  It appears to basically be Linux 
with a fancy desktop on added in for those who want (windows refugees, etc. 
<G>) a full blown desktop.  Since I'm dumping KDE and going to xfce I 
couldn't see getting a distro who's claim to fame is basically a desktop.  
Don't get me wrong - Lycos may be great for many but not for my needs.

I also needed a distro for which RPMs are available for apps - and there 
are plenty for RH <G>.!

Jerry McBride wrote:

> On Sat, 08 Jun 2002 13:51:09 -0500 "Brett I. Holcomb"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Red Hat <G>.  That's what I'm doing with my new server and workstation
> Yeah... that's what everyone is doing. ;') I just want to be different I
> guess.

Brett I. Holcomb
AKA Grunt <><
Registered Linux User #188143
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