On Sat, 08 Jun 2002 17:39:33 -0400 Jerry McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Sat, 08 Jun 2002 02:20:55 -0500 "Richard R. Sivernell"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > .... Another had the Intel c/c++ compile in a timed version.
> > anyone try thenew intell compiler for linux.
> > 
> Yeah, I grabbed a copy of their website and it's quite nice. I'm not
> able to compile a kernel with it though. Probably not
> the compilers fault as I am a semi-total-dimwit when it comes to
> making a new compiler work...

There are some release notes or something on the CD in LJ that describe
how Intel compiles the kernel with it. It's *way* more work than I want
to do, though.

> That aside, it's every it what they claim. Fast. I just wish it had a
> k6 switch in it for optimized k6 code... :')

I'm sure if you ask Intel nicely, they'll add a switch for all AMD 
chips. :-)~ 


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