On Monday 10 June 2002 12:44 pm, Tim Wunder enshrined in prose:

> It'd probly be OK to use my kdelibs rpm. Are you certain arts got installed
> OK? Did you run ldconfig after the install? If it were me, I'd try harder
> to resolve why kdelibs karks (have you verified that the source is OK via
> md5sum, etc.?). I'm on the kde-devel list (I like to watch what goes on,
> don't really participate :-) ), I've forwarded your error and we'll see
> what they say. FWIW, I did not have these difficulties when I compiled
> 3.0.1.
> Tim

You have probably by now seen my latest builds and mail comments. To answer 
you yes arts got installed properly I made very sure of that. Bu as I redid 
it it seems fine now but stops re 'pcre'. I also noticed that it seems 
peculiar to me thios problem with libs, but what gets me is the differing 
points its stopping at. I might try another download of kdelibs . I have the 
feeling that if I can get over libs it will be fine for the rest.

Keith Antoine (GANDALF) aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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