On June 22, 2002 05:52 am, Michael Hipp wrote:

> Glad I'm not the only one that despises Mandrake's install. It's confusing.
> It's is circular in places rather than linear. And in other places it's
> hierarchical.  And takes forever. I find it to be the worst of the
> mainstream commercial distros.

Mandrakes install might not be the best and I can not stumach their method of 
placing "desktop" binaries in places that make it difficult to run various 
versions, but I found it a lot more stable than RH. I have an ATI Rage Fury 
Pro (AGP) with 32Megs of ram This card is supported by r128 driver in X 4.x 
but does not dwell so well in RH7.3. I have to <control><alt><backspace> 
everytime I logout as one user and in as another. The screen goes black with 
a black and white login box. If I do not restaart X, at times xfce or kde 
comes up with totally messed up colors.  I've ordered a copy of SuSe and will 
give that a try. 

Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)
Westbank, B. C.

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