So long as you don't forget certain things and try to use their "click on
the install item and pray you don't get stuck in a loop" feature.  But I
suppose Caldera's "We won't install on this machine, even though Linux 2.4
kernel and software run fine on it" and "$MAX_SCREWED_UP_X_OPTION" don't
win it a whole lot of praise.  And PCMCIA works for the most part out of
the box for COL, but there are definitely a couple minor things needing to
be fixed (like the PCMCIA= or PCIC= settings getting configured on install
if found).

On Sat, 22 Jun 2002 09:19:39 -0700
"Ted Ozolins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mandrakes install might not be the best and I can not stumach their
> method of placing "desktop" binaries in places that make it difficult to
> run various versions, but I found it a lot more stable than RH. 
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