dep wrote:
> i knew that he had been terribly wounded at chickamauga,

My great great grandfather survived both the Battle of the Wilderness 
and Gettysburg (My great great uncle survived Wilderness to die at
Gettysburg). However, he died from wounds he recieved at Chicamauga 
three days after the battle... He was from Georgia and knew if 
Chicamauga fell, Atlanta and therefore Georgia would fall...(Atlanta was 
totally burned to the ground within a month of Chicamauga. Not a single 
building was left standing). Milledgeville burned within a month
of Atlanta and Savannah burned within a month of Milledgeville. Sheridan
lost a military aid at the Battle of Chicamauga who he considered his 
adopted son... He swore he would burn Georgia to the ground and he did.
As Sheridan marched to the sea, he literally burned *everything* in his
path and left nothing.... In Milledgeville, he turned the Episcopal 
church and the Catholic church in horse stables. He ordered his men to 
pour molasses down the pipes of the organs located in both churches. 
Upon leaving Milledgeville, Sheridan ordered both churches burned to the 
ground and any civilians shot who tried to stop it. Problem was, 
Washington was so far away and communications so bad, there was nobody 
to stop him. It was totally unnecessary and was, in fact, an
act of vengence.



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